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Silk Ribbon Embroidery

Silk Ribbon Embroidery

Has it always been your goal to express your artistic skills on embroidery? But you feel you might be running out of time. You might think that you are now quite old to venture into something different from what you have been doing. Well you can still venture, by all means. You can start through silk ribbon embroidery. Mind you, there is no such thing as a “mistake” in any hobby that you are attempting to master.

Initially, silk ribbon embroidery may appear to be very complicated but once you give it a try, you will quickly convince yourself that it is simple and easy. As a lot of people would say, “there is no harm in trying.” Just consider those individuals who have excelled in their respective fields, they all began from scratch. Think of what you can accomplish and you will be motivated to pursue this novelty, turning a dream to reality.

Silk ribbon embroidery banks on four points such as textile to stitch on, needle with a big eye, any lacy trimming and your own version of style. It does not matter if you have a pattern to follow or not because the end product will still be regarded unique as it has your own personal touch. Even if you and a friend are toiling on the same project, you will still end up with entirely different- looking creations.

Putting in a design that is wholly conceived by your imaginations is one of the greatest advantages of silk ribbon embroidery. For the finish material to be all the more outstanding, do not pull the thread too tightly or else the consequence is a lopsided sew. Any lacy trimming also is broader than floss meaning, it expands over a huge area in a lesser amount of time. Can you just imagine how many stitches you will be making for that? Needless to write, there are plenty of them.

When you scout for silk ribbon embroidery in the market, you will find out that there are several variations available. From bright hues to mixed blends, you could find yourself baffled over which is the best choice. If you want something that shimmers, select a dimension of shades. If you are into experiments, play with the widths to gain a realistic feel. If the finished products are for house improvement, go for warm and inviting tones to create a cozy homey atmosphere.

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