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How to Put Ribbon on a Christmas Tree

How to Put Ribbon on a Christmas Tree

Have you ever wondered how to get your ribbon on your Christmas tree to look perfect? Today I will answer that question and provide a full guide on how to set it up and how to make it look perfect. I will show you how I’m able to add ribbon to a Christmas tree by wrapping it around and tucking it. The end result will give it that tufted, random look that will fill out the tree and make it look perfect.


First off, we will talk about how to choose the right ribbon. As a rule of thumb, always overestimate the length you will need, as you almost always need more than you initially think to provide ample tree coverage. Once I had a narrow 2 meter tall tree which took 11 meters of 65mm ribbon. This might be surprising but you don’t want to have too little. It’s nice to have some ribbon left over as you can have coordinating presents with the tree. I would suggest using a wired ribbon for this type of decoration. You can use other types but you will find them harder to manage and work with. When choosing the width, I would suggest 65mm but 40mm will do too. For a standard tree size, I would not suggest going under 40mm or over 100mm.


Now just before we begin with the ribbon you will want to make sure you have ornaments ready. You will also want to put on your lights for the tree before adding the ribbon to it. Once that is completed you are ready to begin.


Step 1: Fluff the Tree

Begin by fluffing the tree, which is by far the least fun thing to do, but it must be done.

Remember when you fluff the tree do not neglect the inner branches. Don’t just fluff the branches either, if they are wire branches, pull them apart from each other. Of course, if you have bought a real tree, you can skip over this part.


Step 2: Cut and Tuck the Ribbon

Once you have your Christmas tree ribbon, select which one you want to stand out the most. I use a 65mm mesh type ribbon as my base on my tree. Now cut strips that are about 75mm long but don’t cut all of them at once. Depending on the size of the tufts on your tree and how deep into the tree you go, you may want to modify the size. Remember, if you use ribbon on your Christmas tree it will make it easier to change the look of your tree every year. Just by adding black and white baubles, the tree can look like a whole new one when changing the color of the ribbon every year.


Start from the middle of the tree by taking the end of the ribbon and pinching the ends together, then sticking it in the tree. Feel around to find a good spot for the ribbon to stick. If it looks like the outer branches support the ribbon, then you don’t have to worry about securing the inner part to a branch. Once the tail end is secured, you can billow the ribbon out, sort of at a diagonal direction, then bring the center to secure the ribbon inside the tree. This should form a billowed tuft.


Step 3: Start Putting the Ribbon around the Tree

Work your way slowly around the tree trying to let the ribbon do its thing. The end result will be letting the ribbon have a natural drape effect. If the ribbon looks pulled or stretched, unwind and start again. As you make your way around the tree, you can tuck the ribbon in, let it billow out, then tuck it again.


Avoid going in a perfect straight line. You don’t want sharp bands of ribbon to cut across the tree. The ribbon should not have tension in it. If the ribbon is not staying and you have not tightened it too much you can take a piece of the tree and gently curve it over the ribbon to hold it in place. The end goal is to have all the decor elements work together as a cohesive whole. The ribbon’s main purpose is to create a classy look and not be too distracting.

And there you have it, a beautiful Christmas tree matched to your theme or décor for the year for the low cost of changing out your ribbon. Stylish and classy in barely any time at all.

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